Monday, April 13, 2009

Which layer are you?

I was in sprouts picking up some food and got to the checkout and the May Yoga Journal Magazine jumped out at me! This magazine hit me so hard it may as well been a baseball slugger! So needless to say I did my dudiligence, listened and put it in the cart, took it home and read it.

What transpired from reading the article titled "Getting to know you" has been intriguing and this is what I would like to share with you!

This article talks about the body and soul having 5 sheaths or layers:
1. Physical Sheath
2. Vital Energy Sheath
3. Mental/Thinking Sheath
4. Wisdom Body
5. Bliss Body

What is interesting is that each of us have very strong sheath/s and very weak sheath/s that we operate from. My strongest sheath is the physical sheath. I thrive being outside, I am in tune with my body, majority of the time (being pregnant was fun and insightful!!!!). I go nuts if I am cramped inside for too long!!! Lets say LONG cold winters would not be good for me, hence me living in Texas so I can get outside and enjoy myself! My strength is not the thinking layer (hence me writing this blog - strenghtening my mental sheath!!!) The vital energy sheath is awakening in me. I am becoming more aware of energy and how it works and how to use it! I have some awareness of my wisdom body, however working on the bliss body!

This information is intriguing for a number of reasons, the biggest reason is to gain some perspective on how my husband and I can gain more from our relationship with each other and as a family.

My husband is has a VERY strong thinking sheath, if what he is participating in is not complicated with several different levels with very hard as the starting level, he gets bored very easily! It boggles my mind!!!! He also has a well developed vital energy sheath. He knows what people are feeling and thinking, it is very impressive!

This got me thinking!!! Thinking sheath here we come!

Do we attract as individuals a person who has a strenght in a sheath that which we do not possess ourselves? The answer is, absolutely!

You need to ask yourself which sheath or layer is your strength, and which is not your strength, is it the physical, thinking, vital energy, wisdom, or bliss sheath?

What is your spouses strong and not so strong sheath? Are they opposite?

What got me thinking about the impact of this insight is that my husband always wants to participate in games,and puzzles and complicated thinking stuff, and I always want to participate in physical activities outside like walking, play Frisbee,soccer, picnics, walk around a lake! It drives us nuts in that his enjoyment is not derived from being outside and my enjoyment is not derived from being indoors playing a game of Risk for 6 hours or WII Lego's!!!! Interesting or interesting.

There is no doubt in my mind that I attracted my husband to help me strengthen my thinking and vital energy sheaths, and I have no doubt he attracted me to him to help him strengthen and balance his physical and wisdom sheaths!

How you fix this is a whole different story, but being aware of yourself and your strong and not so strong sheaths can help you to figure out the differences you face with yourself, spouse and children, family and friends on a daily basis.

All of this awareness go me thinking (here we go again) about clients I see and about health problems people have and I have some theories based on what I have learnt!

Would it be that strong physical sheathed individuals whose thinking sheath is weak be more prone to strokes? Obviously strokes come on for a variety of reasons but I think back to my mothers three strokes and come to find that her physical sheath is extremely strong and her thinking sheath is not. She was at a seminar the day she had her strokes!!!!! Did her thinking sheath become too overwhelmed???

Also I find that clients who have alot of pain have a strong mental/thinking sheath. Their strength is not in the physical layer. I find a person who has the least amount of pain is more in tune with their physical selves!!!!

Which is why when one moves, their pain usually subsides. They are strengthening their physical sheath and hence helping to decrease pain.

Thoughts to ponder on!

You can read this article in the May 2009 Issue of Yoga Journal Page 59.

May your new awareness of your strong and not so strong sheaths help you to understand the world you live in better and make it a more fulfilling and happy place to be!

Here is to balanced sheaths all around!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



This has been a common thread amongst many a conversation had!

How is it that a person can be prouder of his work than his family?

Is it because he feels a stronger sense of accomplishment with his work than his family?

Is it because he feels it is much harder to run a successful business than a successful family? Is it in their minds, that "anyone" can produce a family, so it is not all that special?

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "special" as:
1: distinguished by some unusual quality; especially : being in some way superior
2: held in particular esteem a special friend
3 a: readily distinguishable from others of the same category: unique they set it apart as a special day of thanksgiving b: of, relating to, or constituting a species: specific
4: being other than the usual: additional, extra
5: designed for a particular purpose or occasion

Is this what men (and some women) are searching for the recognition of being special?

It appears it come down to a self esteem issue?

So why would a person have a lack of self esteem around their family?
Do they not feel worthy?
Do they feel insecure with success in their family?
Or is it simply they see the results of their work and it means more?

It all comes down to ones perspective!

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "perspective" as 2 a: the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed ; also : point of view b: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance

Would it be that we need to stop and take a new perspective on our families, husbands, wives and friends?

Enjoy your new perspective.

I am!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Being present enough to be aware, creates the road for change.

Change comes from within, and only with acknowledgement, through awareness and presence!

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary definition states change as: "to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution."

I ask you to observe what needs to change in your life.

Is it something internally or something external that needs to change?

Is it a thought, a feeling and emotion?

Usually the external is something in suffice of something internal.

I challenge you to be present with what needs changing, be aware of how you feel about it. Acknowledge it! You owe it to yourself, your children and your partner!

Watch the world become a more peaceful and fun place to live!

"Never part with your dreams. When they're gone, you might still exist, but you cease to live "

Are YOU subconscoiuly ceasing to LIVE!!!!!??????

An interesting concept is to create a shift and live your dreams, rather than cease to live!

Enjoy living your dreams!

I am!

Friday, March 20, 2009


In order for a situation to change you need acknowledgement of that which you became
aware of, which required your prescence!

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary states the definition of acknowledge as: to take notice of or to make known the receipt of .

I had an interesting experience with this Thursday!

I took the children to the park and our adventurous son decided he would jump from place to place. Well sure enough he falls and bumps his knee and creates a pretty good boo boo! I remember thinking to myself if he keeps crying, if it swells than we will get it checked out! It was a fleeing thought, but there none the less, so we carry on our fun! Sure enough after his nap he woke up very cranky and would not stop crying while he was clutching his knee! Acknowledgement time!!!!! I had to acknowledge the need for "action". So I scoped him up and off we went to Dr. L's, we x-rayed it, no fracture! Yeah, We enzyme iced it and iced it and within an hour of returning home he was walking on it again!

We applied several more applications of Enzyme ice and ice packs and Friday morning I awoke to "mommy, my knee is happy again". I was glad to hear this!

What was interesting is that as soon as I acknowledged the need for action, something shifted! I felt it! I cannot explain it! The action, trigger healing in him!

I wonder how many parents if they just acknowledged what ever they or their child was going through would just heal itself?

I often wonder how many health issues occur because of a lack of awareness and a lack of acknowledgement? How much would clear up by people being honest with themselves?

I challenge you, what in your life keeps cropping up that you need to stop and be more aware of and finally acknowledge? Is it an action, a feeling, an emotion, a situation, a person, what is it?

Acknowledging a thorn in your side or a happy moment is a powerful thing!

Enjoy the peace and calm feeling that comes from acknowledgement!

Thursday, March 19, 2009



The definition of awareness as stated by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is
"having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge"

Without awareness how can "anything" small or big change?

Just like my awareness of me not being present for my husband and vice versa.
In being "aware" both of us are able to be present with each other, we can alter our behaviour!

How powerful is the awareness of being "aware"!

Let me ask you this:

"What within ourselves do you we need to be aware of?"

Do we need to be aware of fear, threat, phobia, impediment, judgement, sadness, anger?

To be aware we need knowledge, knowledge of something we are doing or something we are not.

To gain knowledge is to stop long enough to take the information in, digest it and agree on an outcome of change!

Change comes from within, and only through awareness!

What is it that you need to be more "aware" of in your life, yourself?

Did you make a point of being aware of what your spouse, children did or didn't do today? Did you compliment them or tear them down? Did you engage them in prescence or no prescence?

I challenge you to be more aware of yourself, your children and your partner and watch the world become a more peaceful and fun place to live!

Enjoy this new awareness of yourself and others!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Being Present

This blog is being created from my observations and hingsight into life, universe and everything.

From studying as a mature student, married to divorced to married again. Two pregnancy's with two wonderful children, with two businesses, oh and did I mention living in a foreign country!

So I ask of you this, please do not judge my observations and lessons, but instead reveal in the discoveries I have found and do they bless you and help you to find what you need to solve with that which you find yourself pondering on.

I am ready, are you?


To some being present means sitting at the kitchen table with the family, reading a magazine! Observation to the one not reading the magazine - this is not being present! It is present with the magazine but not the family.

To be present means to be focused solely on that which is in front of you!

Now, you may or may not want to be present, it is a choice! No is an acceptable answer, but the problem arises when you pretend to be present when are you not. Hence the observation above.

Some people have a much easier time being present and there are some people who have a very hard time being present! I am a 9, 9's are known for the ability for the here and now! My husband is a 4! 4's re renowned for living in fantasy and have a hard time being present! Interesting quandary we have. He is teaching me to let go and dream and I am teaching him that is safe to be present with what you are doing!

If you are interested in the 9 and 4 thing go to and take the test to see what number you are! It is very insightful!

Observation and lesson 1
Pregnancy allows women access to not be present on anyone else accept themselves and the child. This is not an attack but an honest observation of myself. I withdrew into a place I had never been while pregnant with both my children. I was so consumed by the wonder of growing these two blessed beings, that being present with anything else was hard in hindsight. I had neglected my husbands need for being present with him and also mine. I taught my husband to not be present with me! Have you done the same with your partner?

The same goes with yourself and your children. What do you do to be present with yourself? If you are unable to answer this you need to start here! How can you be present with another person if you aren't able to present with yourself?

Observation and lesson 2
Being present with my children. I was asked to help a friend with her parenting video that she was making. We had to contrive several senarios and one was not being present. We were to off in la la land while the child was wanting our attention. The whole point to this exercise was to watch the childs behavorial response to this! I was intrigued by the outcome! It was not something I had associted with bad behaviour before. Not all bad behaviour is not being present, however, if you stop and observe, you will see how much of it actually is!

This is an amazing tool for parents, go and buy it

Observation and lesson 3
Being present means to us as a married couple that we put time aside to love and be intimate with each other, be present with each other. This can be a game of cards, a walk or time under the sheets!

My observation is the act of actually and truly being present, is what is lacking from many relationships. We have forgotten how, or got caught up in the hurts of life.

I ask you to observe your relationships; do you and your partner spend time being present with each other?

I challenge you to be present with yourself, your children and your partner and watch the world become a more peaceful and fun place to live!

Enjoy your new prescence!