Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Being Present

This blog is being created from my observations and hingsight into life, universe and everything.

From studying as a mature student, married to divorced to married again. Two pregnancy's with two wonderful children, with two businesses, oh and did I mention living in a foreign country!

So I ask of you this, please do not judge my observations and lessons, but instead reveal in the discoveries I have found and do they bless you and help you to find what you need to solve with that which you find yourself pondering on.

I am ready, are you?


To some being present means sitting at the kitchen table with the family, reading a magazine! Observation to the one not reading the magazine - this is not being present! It is present with the magazine but not the family.

To be present means to be focused solely on that which is in front of you!

Now, you may or may not want to be present, it is a choice! No is an acceptable answer, but the problem arises when you pretend to be present when are you not. Hence the observation above.

Some people have a much easier time being present and there are some people who have a very hard time being present! I am a 9, 9's are known for the ability for the here and now! My husband is a 4! 4's re renowned for living in fantasy and have a hard time being present! Interesting quandary we have. He is teaching me to let go and dream and I am teaching him that is safe to be present with what you are doing!

If you are interested in the 9 and 4 thing go to and take the test to see what number you are! It is very insightful!

Observation and lesson 1
Pregnancy allows women access to not be present on anyone else accept themselves and the child. This is not an attack but an honest observation of myself. I withdrew into a place I had never been while pregnant with both my children. I was so consumed by the wonder of growing these two blessed beings, that being present with anything else was hard in hindsight. I had neglected my husbands need for being present with him and also mine. I taught my husband to not be present with me! Have you done the same with your partner?

The same goes with yourself and your children. What do you do to be present with yourself? If you are unable to answer this you need to start here! How can you be present with another person if you aren't able to present with yourself?

Observation and lesson 2
Being present with my children. I was asked to help a friend with her parenting video that she was making. We had to contrive several senarios and one was not being present. We were to off in la la land while the child was wanting our attention. The whole point to this exercise was to watch the childs behavorial response to this! I was intrigued by the outcome! It was not something I had associted with bad behaviour before. Not all bad behaviour is not being present, however, if you stop and observe, you will see how much of it actually is!

This is an amazing tool for parents, go and buy it

Observation and lesson 3
Being present means to us as a married couple that we put time aside to love and be intimate with each other, be present with each other. This can be a game of cards, a walk or time under the sheets!

My observation is the act of actually and truly being present, is what is lacking from many relationships. We have forgotten how, or got caught up in the hurts of life.

I ask you to observe your relationships; do you and your partner spend time being present with each other?

I challenge you to be present with yourself, your children and your partner and watch the world become a more peaceful and fun place to live!

Enjoy your new prescence!

1 comment:


Good stuff!! I blogged about our visit yesterday. It will go up for tonight's post. I also linked back to you here.

Thanks again for all you do!