Friday, March 20, 2009


In order for a situation to change you need acknowledgement of that which you became
aware of, which required your prescence!

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary states the definition of acknowledge as: to take notice of or to make known the receipt of .

I had an interesting experience with this Thursday!

I took the children to the park and our adventurous son decided he would jump from place to place. Well sure enough he falls and bumps his knee and creates a pretty good boo boo! I remember thinking to myself if he keeps crying, if it swells than we will get it checked out! It was a fleeing thought, but there none the less, so we carry on our fun! Sure enough after his nap he woke up very cranky and would not stop crying while he was clutching his knee! Acknowledgement time!!!!! I had to acknowledge the need for "action". So I scoped him up and off we went to Dr. L's, we x-rayed it, no fracture! Yeah, We enzyme iced it and iced it and within an hour of returning home he was walking on it again!

We applied several more applications of Enzyme ice and ice packs and Friday morning I awoke to "mommy, my knee is happy again". I was glad to hear this!

What was interesting is that as soon as I acknowledged the need for action, something shifted! I felt it! I cannot explain it! The action, trigger healing in him!

I wonder how many parents if they just acknowledged what ever they or their child was going through would just heal itself?

I often wonder how many health issues occur because of a lack of awareness and a lack of acknowledgement? How much would clear up by people being honest with themselves?

I challenge you, what in your life keeps cropping up that you need to stop and be more aware of and finally acknowledge? Is it an action, a feeling, an emotion, a situation, a person, what is it?

Acknowledging a thorn in your side or a happy moment is a powerful thing!

Enjoy the peace and calm feeling that comes from acknowledgement!

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